on-page SEO
On-Page SEO Service
Increase your chances to rank on the first page of search engine results.
Analysis – Optimization – Publication
What is on-page SEO?
On-page SEO is all about optimizing individual web pages. That means going through each webpage with a fine toothcomb and enhancing the text and HTML code.
It’s essential to get on-page SEO right, as the search engines use algorithms to “crawl” through billions of websites, using the HTML code and tags as a reference. So, when somebody searches for a specific term, the search engine returns the most relevant web pages based on this data.
On-page SEO makes the code easier for crawlers to read and can highlight your site as a top contender for specific search terms (known as keywords). In other words, on-page SEO makes your webpage easier to find and boosts the search engine ranking.

Importance of On-Page SEO
On-Page SEO helps searchers find you easily, making your business more visible and increasing your web page ranking in search engines. Search engine algorithms can also scan your web pages more efficiently and effectively index your pages.
Most users scan a page to look for relevant topics and headings before reading any paragraphs. On-page SEO puts these titles and their briefs in the search results, aiding users to locate their information. Depending on the business you run, search engine traffic may be a considerable portion of your site traffic, and on-page SEO can provide a substantial competitive advantage for your business. It’s a long-term and ongoing investment that is well worth it.
Our Optimization Method
FFITBD prioritizes users first and then the search engine to get the best results. Search engines’ prioritization is second to users because their algorithms change periodically, but users don’t. It’s a future-proofing technique to ensure that your website content stays relevant even when the algorithms change. Content freshness, readability, commonly asked questions, and user intent is considered when user-based content optimization is done.
- Focus Keywords
- Title Tag
- Meta Description
- Internal Linking
- Content Architecture
- Authoritative External Linking

Importance of Homepage SEO
Homepage SEO optimization has its uses, but over-optimizing a homepage can lead to a counterproductive result more often than not. When optimizing the homepage, it’s a common rookie mistake to rank for all the keywords.
Your homepage shouldn’t compete with the other pages of your website. Use separate pages to describe the services you provide and distribute keyword focus between the pages. Don’t work to rank just one page for all your keywords.
Get the most affordable and effective Search Engine Optimization plan.
$40/ Month
৳ ৩,৪৫০/=
- 5-7 Keywords
- Small Business Website SEO
- At least 3 months
- 2-3 Articles Per Month
- In-Depth Site Analysis
- Content Duplicate check
- Initial Backlink check
- Fully On-Page Optimization
- Content Optimization
- Off-page Optimization
- Support
- Quick Delivery
$70/ Month
৳ ৬,০৫০/=
- 12-15 keywords
- Medium Business Website SEO
- At least 3 months
- 12-15 keywords rank
- 6-8 Articles Per Month
- In-Depth Site Analysis
- Content Duplicate check
- Initial Backlink check
- Fully On-Page Optimization
- Content Optimization
- Off-page Optimization
- Social Media Optimization
$100/ Month
৳ ৮,৬৪০/=
- 25-30 keywords
- Large Business Website SEO
- At least 3 months
- 25-30 Keywords rank
- 8-10 Articles Per Month
- In-Depth Site Analysis
- Content Duplicate check
- Initial Backlink check
- Fully On-Page Optimization
- Content Optimization
- Off-page Optimization
- Social Media Optimization
Frequently Asked Questions
We have listed everything for our customers. Still, if you find any doubt, you can connect with us via Email or Social Media Network. Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions.
On-page SEO services are search engine optimization services that optimize your website to improve its visibility in search results on Google, Bing, and other search engines. Typically, on-site SEO services will focus on keyword research, content creation, header tag optimization, and more.
On page optimization is more about helping USERS find what they’re looking for than helping search engines.
Many clients need on page SEO improvements before link building efforts will provide their search engine rankings.
The typical user will scan a page quickly looking for relevant headings and topics before reading paragraph text. On page SEO helps users quickly find the content they’re looking for, from page titles in the search results to headings within specific pages.
Without good content that appeals to your user, and provides a good user experience — all of your SEO efforts will be crippled.
You need content relevant to your target market’s location(s), you need location-based keywords in your main nav, and you need location-optimized pages for each target location or service area.
If a personal injury law firm wants to rank for “personal injury attorney in san francisco” and if they don’t have that keywords anywhere on their site – they’re unlikely to rank for the term. As we add more quality content pertaining to San Francisco to their site, search engines become more confident in the relevancy of their site for that keyword.
If you’re interested in more help with Local SEO, local backlinks, or increasing organic traffic from local customers – check out our Local SEO Services page. Local SEO services include help with local directories, and other local on page seo factors.
SEO-optimized content will help your site rank for MORE keywords in search, and rank HIGHER for terms you’re already targeting. Blog posts are tailored to be engaging, informative, and high-quality, and they will lead people to your site through best practices of SEO optimization.
Content is optimized for users first, and for search engines second. This future-proofs your content, ensuring it will be relevant to your target market even as search algorithms change.
For users we consider:
User Search Intent
Commonly Asked User Questions
Content Freshness
For search engine optimization we take into consideration the following:
Primary Keyword Semantic Variations
Latent Semantic Indexing (aka Focus Keywords)
Internal Linking & Authoritative External Linking
Inclusion of Title Tag and Meta Description
Information Architecture/Hierarchy
TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse document frequency)
All quality content is important, but the words in your page titles, main navigation, and headings (H1 & H2 tags) carry a lot of weight. Make sure you use those spaces to highlight key terms and topics from your content.
Bing also puts some consideration towards the content in your meta description, although Google does not.